欺骗某人, 出卖某人 sell sb down the river; sell sb. down the river
出卖 1.(卖) offer for sale; sell 这能以高价出卖。 it can sell high.2.(背叛) sell out; betray; barter away 出卖国家的利益 sell out [betray] the interests of the country; 出卖朋友 betray one's friend; 出卖原则 barter away principles; 出卖主权 barter away the sovereignty; 我们宁死也不出卖自己的同志。 we would rather die than sell out our comrades
欺骗 deceive; cheat; dupe; swindle; humbug; hoodwink; take in; play a trick on sb.; take advantage of sb.; impose on [upon]; defraud sb. of sth.; get over; diddle sb.; have sb. over sth.; have sb. on; pull the wool over (one's) eyes; be had; put across sb.; set one's cap 欺骗不明真相的人 deceive those who do not know the truth; 欺骗群众 cheat [deceive; delude] the masses; 无意的欺骗 constructive fraud; 有意的欺骗 actual fraud; 欺骗公众 impose upon the public; 欺骗人 juggle with sb.; 欺骗无知的人 dupe the ignorant people; 欺骗世界舆论 befuddle world opinion; 一时受了欺骗 be hoodwinked for the moment; 她用谄媚的手段欺骗他。 she cheated him by flattery. 我怀疑他们在欺骗我。 i wonder they are playing a trick on me.; 欺骗案 case of victimization; 欺骗行为 act of swindling; fraudulent act